Solved Problem on Wave Interference

Consider two sources, F1 and F2, in phase as shown in the figure, vibrating at a frequency of 300 Hz. The speed of waves, in the medium where points A and B are located, is 6 m/s. What type of interference occurs at points A and B?

Problem data:
  • Source frequency:    F1 = F2 = 300 Hz;
  • Speed of waves in the midium    v = 6 m/s.

First, let us convert the speed given in meters per second (m/s) to centimeters per second (cm/s) (cm/s)
\[ \begin{gather} v=6\;\frac{\cancel{\text{m}}}{\text{s}}\times\;\frac{100\;\text{cm}}{1\;\cancel{\text{m}}}\times\frac{1}{\text{s}}=600\;\frac{\text{cm}}{\text{s}} \end{gather} \]
The wavelength is given by
\[ \begin{gather} \bbox[#99CCFF,10px] {v=\lambda f} \end{gather} \]
\[ \begin{gather} \lambda =\frac{v}{f}\\[5pt] \lambda =\frac{600}{300}\\[5pt] \lambda=2\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
  • For point A:
The distance, S1, from source F1 to point A will be given by the segment
\[ \begin{gather} S_{1}=\overline{{F_{1}A}}=8\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
and the distance, S2, from source Fo to A will be
\[ \begin{gather} S_{2}=\overline{{F_{2}A}}=11\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
The difference in paths taken by the waves of F1 and F2
\[ \begin{gather} \bbox[#99CCFF,10px] {\Delta S=\left|S_{2}-S_{1}\right|} \tag{I} \end{gather} \]
\[ \begin{gather} \Delta S=\left|11-8\right|\\[5pt] \Delta S=3\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
The number   \( \frac{\Delta S}{\lambda }=\frac{3}{2}=1,5=1+\frac{1}{2} \)   is of form   \( \left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right) \),   at point A the interference will be destructive.
  • For point B:
The distance, S1, from source F1 to point B will be given by the segment
\[ \begin{gather} S_{1}=\overline{{F_{1}B}}=6\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
and the distance, S2, from source F2 to B will be
\[ \begin{gather} S_{2}=\overline{{F_{2}A}}=8\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
substituting S1 and S2 in expression (I) for path difference
\[ \begin{gather} \Delta S=\left|8-6\right|\\[5pt] \Delta S=2\;\text{cm} \end{gather} \]
The number   \( \frac{\Delta S}{\lambda }=\frac{2}{2}=1 \),   is an integer n at point B the interference will be constructive.

Note: At point B, the crests of the two waves meet, producing constructive interference. At point A, the crest of the wave produced in F2 meets the trough of the wave produced in F1, producing destructive interference (Figure 1).
Figure 1